Author(s): Arun Kumar M, Anjaiah M, B. R. Doraswamy Naick
Information Communication Technology has brought rapid changes in the performance of libraries and its services. Information Communication Technology helps libraries in creating database of their collections and creation them accessible for easy access to users within and outside the libraries through networks. The study mainly focused on use Pattern of e-resources by the professional students of University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad. Out of 200 questionnaires 165 (82.50%) filled questionnaires were received, in this 100 (83.33%) were under-graduates (B.Tech.) students and 65 (81.25%) were postgraduates (M.Tech.) students. It shows that the under-graduates (B.Tech.) were higher than the post-graduate (M.Tech.) students. A large majority 79.39% of students expressed that they are using e-resources for their study and in preparing their project reports 38.18% students are using e-resources. A Majority of the students 83.03% preferred e-journals.
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Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
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American Political Science Association(APSA)