Author(s): M.Madhusudhan, V. Nagabhushanam
This paper focuses on the use of web-based library services by users in different sections of the university libraries in India and examines how some of the University libraries provide web access to their collections and user support for that access and the problems faced by users in accessing web-based library services. Findings show that many of the surveyed university libraries are yet to exploit full potential of the web forms, and lagging behind in effective use of library website. A few libraries offer innovative web-based library services in different sections. The paper highlights the current state of web-based library services against which they can benchmark their own web-based library services by university librarians in India. They will also learn how the unique web-based library services enhance the quality of web-based library services in Web 2.0 environment and suggests the new approaches for effective use of web-based library services.
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Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)