Author(s): Chinnasamy K, Lakshmi Sankari R
The libraries changed from time to time due to various reasons. Internet has made a greater impact on library and information service by offering new modes for information delivery and a vast variety of information services. In the recent years we are witnessing a sea change in the landscape of library. This study is to understand the pattern of internet usage among the college students in Salem District. Of 27 colleges, only 8 colleges had internet connection in the library for their students. The data analyzed in this study comes from 260 student respondents, who had used internet for the last three months, spread across eight academic libraries which provide internet services to the users. The survey revealed that the majority of the respondents, i.e. 65.4%, access the Internet from Cyber Café. More than 57 % of the respondents use the Internet services mainly for educational purposes. Google and Yahoo search engines are found to be more widely used than other search engines.<
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