Author(s): Jayashree B. Nandi, Gavisidddappa Anandhalli
In the present years, e-resources have become most popular and famous sources of Information for all the categories of users at all level. The papers aims to investigate all aspects of level of awareness, extent of use and level of satisfaction, purpose of use ,frequency of use, reasons for using eresources and problem facing while accessing e-resources by the students and faculty members of the engineering college in North Karnataka. The structure questionnaire has designed based on the objectives, was circulated to collect the needed information from the target population. The study reveals that VTU Consortium e-resources, OPAC, IEEE databases and INDEST consortia are highly aware, used and satisfied e-resources among the students and faculty members of engineering colleges and they have also highly correlated each other. The e-resources are mainly used for the purpose of academic, teaching and research work etc. It is also observed that Low bandwidth, Unorganized elements/contents in a search page and Unfamiliarity with the search are the major problems faced by Students and faculty members under study. Finally it can be concluded that e-resources have made great impact on the academic activities.
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)