Author(s): A.J. Madhuri
The internet has emerged as the most powerful medium for storage and retrieval of information. This paper deals with the use of internet by the students of the engineering College students in and around of Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India. This paper examines the frequency of Internet use, purpose of using the internet, use of different internet services and impact of internet on engineering education. Questionnaire method was used for collection of data from the engineering students. The main findings of the study are 81.42% of the colleges are providing sufficient computer systems in their labs, 78.28% were browsing Internet for the purpose of E-mail, 31.42 were browsing Internet through Mozilla Fire Fox, 37.85% of them are using Internet to update their knowledge, and 82.14% of them are using Google Search engine and also 65% of them are using Gmail service for mailing purpose and the main problem faced by the students is accessing Internet is low speed of Internet.
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American Antiquity Citation Style
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American Political Science Association(APSA)