
Self-Assessment of Library Function Hours in Private Autonomous Engineering College Libraries of Andhra Pradesh


Author(s): V.V. Lakshmi Ravi Kiran, K. Venkata Rao

This work examines the issues related to self-assess of total library functioning hours in weekdays and Sundays among the private autonomous engineering college libraries of Andhra Pradesh. This paper tries to assess opening hours and closing hours of libraries in weekdays and Sundays. Andhra Pradesh has total fifty autonomous engineering colleges up to academic year 2018-19 as per UGC ([1], out of which, five are government autonomous engineering colleges, and the remaining 45 are under private management. The forty five private autonomous engineering college libraries selected to my research study. At first gathered these librarian names, contact numbers and email ids. Open form questionnaire was mailed to all the librarians for a free response in the respondents own words. The questionnaire related to library timings among the college libraries. Primary data were received from eight colleges on the appointment visit, fifteen colleges sent by post, eighteen colleges sent by e-mail and four colleges not responded any way. The response rate was 91 percent. This article identifies out of 41 colleges 30(73.17%) colleges were opening in Sundays and only 11(26.82%) colleges were not opening libraries in Sundays. The study suggests needful minimum functioning hours in week days and helpful findings for librarians to make libraries will open in Sundays.

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