Author(s): Alfred S. Sife, Ronald Bernard
A scientometric analysis was conducted to assess the publication productivity of Professor Rudovick R. Kazwala. Data were extracted using the Publish or Perish software which uses Google Scholar to retrieve the number of publications, citation counts, indices and related metrics. The study findings indicate that Kazwala has produced 111 scholarly publications with three quarters (83; 74.77%) of these being journal articles. He has produced an average of four publications each year with the 4th (2005 – 2009) and 5th (2010 – 2014) quinquennial periods having 30 papers each. He attained the 50-percentile productivity life at the productivity age of 18 and he has a productivity coefficient of 0.69. Almost all (99.12%) his publications were multipleauthored and he has collaborated with 475 researchers. Kazwala is the first to third author in by-line in more than half (52.25%) of the publications. His scientific articles are published in 38 different journals; fitting the Bradford’s law of scattering. Kazwala’s publication density and publication concentration are 2.18 and 23.68 respectively. His publications have received 2057 citations although 26 publications remain uncited. The mean cites per year and mean cites per paper are 82.64 and 18.95 respectively. Kazwala has an h-index of 29, g-index of 43, hc-index of 20 and HI normindex of 12. The highest frequency keyword is tuberculosis. These findings suggest, among other things, that his research efforts have concentrated largely on the problem of tuberculosis. He is eminently qualified to be taken as a role model for the younger generation to emulate. He is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding scientists in Tanzania.
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American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)