Author(s): Jayaprakash G Hugar, Chaman Sab M
The present study aims to analyse the research output performance on Pharmaceutical Science subject. A total of 1913 research articles published in Web of Science database were analysed to find out the performance of Pharmaceutical Science professionals from all over the world in terms of growth during the period 2013-2017 (last five years). Annual growth rate, global publication shares, prolific author in the field, high productive Institutions, Journals, etc are studied in this article. This study reveals that maximum numbers of funding agencies are from China. The average number of publications per year is 382; a greater number of articles were published during 2016. In the country wise contribution of documents, USA contributed 30.21% of the total publication. Among journals Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B journal ranked first with 162 articles and among the funding agencies National Natural Science Foundation of China stands first with 4.6% funding.
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)