
Research Output of Library Review (2000-2017): Scientometirc Analysis


Author(s): Neha Verma

The purpose of this scientometric study is to conduct an analysis of the research productivity of Library Review 2000-2017.It covers various aspects e.g. year wise publication of article, authorship pattern, most prolific authors, year wise publication trends, document types and most prolific institutes etc. It is clear from the finding that maximum number of research output 93(9.19%) in the year 2002. The findings shows that articles 706 (69.76%) dominated the other forms of documents in the Library review. It revealed that single author 654(64.62%) contribution is dominating the co-authorship pattern. It indicates that Joint, N. who has contributed 60 papers occupied first rank in the list of prolific authors. It is clear from the findings that major contributions are made by United Kingdom by contributing 365 articles and got first rank among 18 countries

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