Author(s): Narayanaswamy B V, Amrutha. R
Usage of books assumes that the Circulation of materials in a collection is an indicator of a library's effectiveness. [1]The purpose of this study was to find a statistical analysis of book transactions among Bangalore University Library users, Bangalore. In the study, it is available that the total 9701 books used to patrons of 48 departments from July 2018 to June 2019. the highest number of books used to the user of the Physics department with 78 books out of 9701, and most of the Used books are Nuclear Physics (1995&2014) by Ghoshal S N from S. Chand publishers, it is a top place with 81 times used Book. And the highest number of books used in October, with a total of 1274 books. Kannada medium books most used in 5212.In this study, we observed that the science department students are very interested in using library resources. Then arts students,The study will be beneficial to Library authorities to identify how the users are using the library facilities and their satisfaction with the use of books.
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