
Off-Campus Students and their Challenges: A Case of University of Zambia Library


Author(s): Banda Boniface*

This study investigated the challenges faced by off campus students in accessing library services at the university of Zambia library. A semi-structured questionnaire with both closed and open ended questions was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from a sample of 90 respondents. The results revealed that a greater proportion of the respondents were not aware of the library services available in the library. Distance learners had no remote access to library electronic resources and other databases and therefore did not strongly agree to the provision of information needs through social media services. It was also evident that information needs of respondents were mostly not adequately provided for. The study recommended awareness creation of library resources, user education on information literacy of library resources, encouraging the use of social media platforms, training/user education and initiation of borrowing of library resources to library management.

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