Author(s): Y R Ghodasara, Shweta Shah, Viral Gohel, Smit Karbhari
The emerging digital technology also known as information and communication technologies have been transforming all kinds of library and information centers. The rapid changing and economically viable digital technologies are user friendly, durable, time saving and accurate in different library operations. Many libraries adopting digital technologies to revamp traditional practices of library management exist today. This paper highlights different digital technology implementations took place in last few years in the Dr. M D Patel Regional e-Library (MDPL, Central Library) of Anand Agricultural University (AAU) to transform it from traditional to digital in all spheres of library practices.
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)