Author(s): Sima Ashok Ingole* and Subhash Chavan
Medical deemed university libraries students in Maharashtra were polled about their knowledge of digital resources. Four medical deemed university libraries of Maharashtra were investigated as part of the study using a questionnaire. Utilization, frequency, locale, and preference of digital resources are all examined in this study. According to the survey, patrons of the Maharashtra medical deemed university libraries had a fair amount of information about digital medical resources. They mostly used them for learning and knowledge upkeep. Students use E-journals, standards, papers, patents, and trade reports. This study investigates the use of digital resources by Maharashtra medical deemed university libraries students. Due to a lack of training or orientation, slow internet, a lack of printing facilities, full text access to the majority of journals, a lack of awareness, and insufficient digital resource consumption, customers of medical deemed university libraries have trouble using digital resources. Statistically, these elements are similar to low satisfaction levels and slow internet speeds. The research leads to better digital library resources and services. This research improved medical e-resources and services. The outcomes could improve virtual culture and digital library services in designated medical deemed university libraries, particularly in Maharashtra. For this research survey, the author considered medical students. The four medical deemed universities received a random distribution of the structured questionnaire. Which examined the distributed questionnaire with speculation and covered 400 UG and P.G. paradigms?
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)