
Information Seeking through Android Smartphone Mobile technology by Legal Practitioners and Judicial Library Services


Author(s): Karna Singh*, Bulu Maharana and Ajay Sahu

Mobile devices are now an essential component of daily life and are revolutionizing how people connect to and engage with their environment. Mobile technology will be very beneficial to libraries in this changing environment as it will assist them to improve their user centered services and relationships with current patrons. Libraries might be able to communicate with the faraway users who were previously thought unlikely to connect due to a lack of a medium. The majority of the widespread use of mobile phones in the twenty first century, including Android Smartphones, has also been based on programmes like Facebook, chats, WhatsApp, social media, games, etc. To stay up with the evolving information needs of today's generation, the researchers in this case need information resources. This author talks about using an Android Smartphone to do research related information searches. Additionally, it covers Android mobile usage in the future and makes an effort to comprehend how crucial an influence Android mobile has on users information seeking habits. A crucial step in this direction is the use of mobile phones to pay for library and information services. The advancement of mobile technology has caused the academic environment to transition from antiquated to mobile learning environments. This essay explores mobile technology, mobile library services, as well as its benefits and drawbacks.

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