Author(s): Y. SUDHA RANI
The purpose of the study was to examine the information seeking behavior of Undergraduate Engineering Students of Acharaya Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology , Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur. The study adopted a descriptive survey design and data was collected from the respondents using questionnaire. The major findings of the study are majority of the respondents prefer to use both print & electronic information and 51.36 % of the respondents opined that the use internet for seeking information to their academic needs affect to visit the library. The paper provides some constructive suggestions for the benefit of providing effective services to their clientele.
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)