Author(s): Lovet Ovigue Esievo, Jonathan Chima Ogugua, Magnus C. Unegbu, Magnus C. Alaehie
The general purpose of the study is influence of dictatorial and charismatic leadership style of librarians’ on productivity of staff in academic libraries in Imo State. The survey research design was used for the study using questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. Two research questions were framed for the study. The study covered the entire population of 294 staff in academic libraries in Imo State. 286 copies of the questionnaire were completed and returned for analysis representing 97.3%. The finding shows that dictatorial style of leadership does not involve subordinates in planning. The study recommended that there is need for staff to undergo in service training and refresher courses on the modern rudiments of leadership styles. This will enable them to adopt the appropriate leadership styles which will enhance staff productivity.
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