Author(s): Sk Abul Salam
The libraries have been changing their activities in the housekeeping operations with the invention of the computer and communication technologies. Like the other organizations the college libraries are trying to adopt the applications of cloud computing, the new technology model for IT services. This new technology concept will minimize the cost of the hardware and software applicable to the libraries. At the same time cloud computing can simplify the different functions and activities within shorter period to time. The cloud computing is composed of three service models (Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service) and four deployment Models (Private Cloud, Community Cloud, Public Cloud and Hybrid Cloud). College libraries need to take data backups through a storage media on regular basis. The College Library data backup would be more easer with the could computing technologies. This paper defines cloud computing, factors to be considered for library data backup and finally propose a framework for cloud based data backup services for college libraries.
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American Political Science Association(APSA)