Author(s): Manjunath Lamani , Dr. Keshava
The objective of the paper is to evaluate the homepages of university libraries based on the criteria such as Authority, Purpose, Coverage, Currency, Objectivity, Accuracy, Superstructure, Graphics, Use of colour, Content, Readability, Page layout, Hyperlinks, Promotions, Searching and FAQ which were proposed by Benjamin Keevil. The study covers the libraries of the universities of the south Indian states viz. Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. The result of the study shows that majority of the libraries’ homepages have the compatibility with all the browsers. There is the link among the web resources, but no direct link of the libraries’ homepages among the universities. It was surprised that there was no regular updates of them. Further, they contain their missions and visions. Majority of them don’t have Web OPAC’s, information on the current news, notice, administrative structures and Ask Librarian’s link including the committee of the libraries whereas they have links to e-resources under consortia.
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