Author(s): S.R. Mandale
This article is based on a rapid assessment of conditions under which electronic resources are used in Ayurved Medical College Libraries in Maharashtra. Its primary focus is on the use of electronic resources by user. Data was collected using face-to-face interviews and questionnaires. For electronic resources access and use for users variations among institutions in accessing electronic resources. Libraries are changing with time from mere storehouses of collection of documents to dynamic service centers. The present period is a period of digital libraries, electronic libraries and virtual libraries. All these changes demand development of modern skills to both library professionals as well as users. The information that is available in digital form requires new and modern methods for its handling. Therefore, there is a constant Need for librarians and information professionals as well as for users to learn the new skills to cope with the present situation. The present study deals with use and usage of e-resources by the members of Ayurved Medical College Libraries. The paper describes about the Ayurved Medical College Libraries and its resources. The paper explains the need, scope and limitation, methodology of the study. It analyses data, summarizes findings, and gives suggestions for the improvement in the usage of e-resources. The paper concludes that the Ayurved Medical College Libraries are trying its best to provide facilities for proper use of e-resources by users.
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American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)