Author(s): Ngo Thi Huyen
In the context of digital transformation, academic libraries is offering digital scholarship services to support various academic activities. To investigate digital scholarship services being currently implemented in academic libraries around the world, this study analyzed the website content of nine academic libraries in Australia, Canada, China, Singapore and the United States. The study’s results help identify the functions, support areas and service types of current digital scholarship services. The functions of digital scholarship services are explored, comprising (1) supporting digital project management, (2) supporting digital data, (3) supporting digital methods and tools, (4) supporting digital sharing and publishing, (5) supporting digital scholarship connections. Based on these functions, the study identifies the following key support areas of digital scholarship services: (1) project management, (2) research grant, (3) copyright and licensing, (4) data management, (5) data curation, (6) digital scholarship information technology infrastructure, (7) digital and open publishing, (8) digital scholarship connections. The types of digital scholarship services are also recognized: (1) consulting, (2) teaching and training, (3) providing digital resources including information technology infrastructure, digital and physical spaces, and information resources, (4) promotion event services, (5) connection assistance, (6) technology assistance, (7) implementation assistance
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)