This paper aims to present the results of a needs assessment study conducted to determine the deficiencies in WebOPAC training during library orientation programs at the Malaysian academic libraries. This paper analyzes and discusses the finding collected from the interviews with five expert librarians from the five difference public universities in Malaysia. The result shows that, there are four main factors identified in this study which are: (i) lack of logical thinking skill among students, (ii) ineffective strategy used to conduct WebOPAC training, (iii) lack of content coverage during WebOPAC training, and (iv)no standard instrument to measure information literacy competency level among students during WebOPAC training. Based on the above findings, we propose relevant suggestions as references for the development of a WebOPAC self training tool and assessment for information literacy skill development among first year students in Malaysian academic libraries.
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American Psychological Association (APA)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)