Author(s): K. K. Singh, Margam Madhusudhan
The present study reports the changing facets of e-resources and current practices related to acquisition, selection, mode of procurement, promotion, development policy, problems and future plans of Management Libraries in National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi. The findings, shed light on the e-resources, are:e-journals and databases are most common e-resources, and subscribing e-resources is based on easy to use, saving of space and timeliness of e-resources. Users are given second preference in mode of procurement of e-resources. Subject matter and quality of the information is the top most criteria for selection of e-resources. Geographic parameter and remote accessibility is used in selection of e-resources. Language to include parameters of resources is the first, and geographical limits and physical condition of material are last factors in collection development policy. Acquisition of e-resources through direct subscription is most popular .Providing links from library’s home page and conduct of information literacy programs is the highest order. Budget and trained staff is the top most problems associated with e-resources. The study also highlights the current practices in selection of e-materials and helps in efficient collection development policy of eresources in management libraries.
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American Political Science Association(APSA)