Author(s): Siddaramu P* and S. Padmamma*
Community information services are initiated by the public libraries to facilitate the people with relevant information for day-to-day life. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the barriers in accessing community information by the agriculturists in Mysuru District. A simple random method was used to select the respondents of agriculturists from Mysuru District. The SPSS and Microsoft Excel Spread Sheet were used for analyzing the collected data. The paper explains the background of agriculturists in the Mysuru District. It highlights the lack of library facilities, agricultural information resources, non-availability of simple reading materials, lack of awareness, language, lack of library staff and their attitude towards the users’, library timings and the ICT facilities are the obstacles. It is observed that various barriers in access to CI are led to socio, economic and cultural developments. This paper gives various strategies to reduce the barriers to accessing community information by agriculturists.
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Society for American Archaeology
American Antiquity Citation Style
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)