Author(s): K. Ramachandrappa
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become the sine qua non of efficient and development in the 21st century. The legal profession plays an important role in the administration of justice. The present study was undertaken with a view to know the status of e-resource and Internet use pattern of practicing lawyers. For that purpose, survey method has been adopted by the investigators, which comprises of administration of questionnaire and interview of participants for knowing the awareness of e-resource and Internet use pattern of Lawyers. The filled up questionnaires have been collected from the respondents for the data analysis and interpretations. A majority i.e.,88.01% respondents opined that Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have made the information-seeking and gathering process easier for them and 11.99% of them opined that ICT has made this difficult. 64.34% lawyers use the Internet daily, 18.15% lawyers use once in a week, 8.27% lawyers use once in a fortnight,6.32% respondents visit once in a month and the remaining 2.92% are rarely use the Internet.
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