Author(s): Basavaraj S. Kumbar
In this research work, library professionals of engineering and technological institution libraries in Karnataka are examined for their awareness of selected Blogs. A structured questionnaire was designed in Google form and sent to 204 engineering college libraries in Karnataka which were affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. The researcher received 104 responses. The results will advocate that there is a reasonable amount of consciousness and acquaintance with Blogs amongst working professionals. The standard analytical tool (SPSS) is used for analysis and interpretation. This study could give library professionals useful insight into promoting adopting Blogs in library services. The three-scale point to rate the awareness and mean; standard deviation was used for ranking the Web Blogs. 140 college library professionals were the respondents of the questionnaire which was distributed through Google forms as link.
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Society for American Archaeology
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American Political Science Association(APSA)